When should your child look in the direction of travel in the pram

Andrzej Zak
Prams in everyday life / Comments 0
When should your child look in the direction of travel in the pram - When to turn the carrycot

Finding the right time: When should your child look in the direction of travel in the pram?

Dear parents and parents-to-be
In the first months of life, it is common for your baby to lie or sit in the pram facing away from the direction of travel so that he or she can always maintain eye contact with you. But when is the right time to let your child look in the direction of travel? In this blog post, we will give you some pointers to help you make this decision.
1. take your child's development into account
Every child develops individually, so there are no hard and fast rules about when is the best time to let your baby face the direction of travel. However, an important milestone is when your child is able to support their head and upper body independently. This usually happens between the 6th and 9th month of life. Once your baby has developed this ability, he or she can usually sit safely facing the direction of travel.
2. your child's curiosity and interest
Another factor that can help you decide is your child's interest and curiosity. When your baby starts to take an interest in his or her surroundings and tries to look out of the pram, this can be a sign that he or she is ready to sit facing the direction of travel.
3. the advantages of facing the direction of travel
When your child is facing the direction of travel, he or she has the opportunity to become more aware of and observe his or her surroundings. This can contribute to increased cognitive development and curiosity. It can also be more entertaining for your child to sit facing the direction of travel, as they get to see more.
4 Safety and comfort
Before changing your child's seating position in the pushchair, make sure it is safe and comfortable. Make sure that the harness fits properly and that the pram is stable in the new position. Also, your child should have enough back support to sit comfortably.
5 Flexibility and adjustment
Many pram models offer the option of using the seat both in the direction of travel and against the direction of travel. This gives you the flexibility to adjust the seating position according to your child's needs and stage of development.
The right time to let your child face the direction of travel depends on their individual development and interests. Pay attention to your child's physical abilities, their curiosity and make sure they are safe and comfortable in the pushchair. With the right preparation and adjustment, your baby will be able to discover the world from a new perspective.
